
Cobbler in a shoe box

Needing some repairs to my handbag, I found a cobbler on a corner of Alemida Park Road in Bandra. Nearly every corner in this residential suburb is home to one or two of these little businesses.
Flowers, spicy curries, magazines, fresh sugar cane juice, steaming chai, just-roasted sweet potato, bright red strawberries mounded in baskets... the list of things you can buy from corner entrepreneurs goes on and on, ebbing and flowing through the day as carts come and go.
Secure from flooding in the rainy season, some of these small enterprises, as with this repairman, have a permanent elevated box with shutters that can be closed at night.
So, whether conducted from a hand-cart or inside a wooden box, it seems that for lucky Bandra residents, commerce is thriving right outside their doors.

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